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福斯汀与美丽的夏天福利上映于1972年,由著名福利主演伊莎贝尔·阿佳妮 伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Muriel Catalá Claire Vernet 主演的伦理伦理福利,又名福斯蒂娜 / 福斯汀与美丽的夏天。福斯汀与美丽的夏天讲述了:Faustine, a romantic teenager, decides to spend her summer in the countryside with her grandparents. Upon her arrival she briefly meets a teenager named Joachim and quickly becomes obsessed with his family, spying on them from a distance.Eventually she begins to integrate herself in to their lives, befriending Joachim's cousins, flirting with Joachim himself and developing a crush on his uncle.Faustine, a romantic teenager, decides to spend he 详情


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