
    死亡礼物/礼轻仇意重连续剧上映于2019年,由著名连续剧主演查澈威·德查拉朋 菲亚特·帕塔顿·詹金 Toni Iera Rakkaen 芮塔·彭安 Sarunchana Apisamaimongkol 主演的连续,海外,泰国连续,海外,泰国连续剧,又名礼物致讨厌的人/礼轻仇意重。死亡礼物/礼轻仇意重讲述了:The shop of a certain person wearing a mask, sells gifts for people that you hate. There are four levels of gifts; making the receiver ashamed, scaring the receiver, hurting the receiver, and making the receiver die. Do you hate someone so much to give them this gift? Your hatred is their responsibility.The shop of a certain person wearing a mask, sells 详情


    • 查澈威·德查拉朋

      代表作: 超凡少年 爱尚泰国 匆匆那年 死亡礼物 爱的两极 

    • 菲亚特·帕塔顿·詹金

      代表作: 一年生2 超凡少年 死亡礼物 痞客青春 1448爱在你我之间 

    • 芮塔·彭安

      代表作: 夏日菊花茶 星月情 死亡礼物 龙裔黑帮之天鹅 冬荫功2:拳霸天下 


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