
    秋之回忆动漫上映于2001年,由著名动漫主演绿川光 那须惠 山本麻里安 利田优子 主演的动漫,日韩动漫动漫,日韩动漫动漫,又名Memories Off OVA。秋之回忆讲述了:Tomoya Mikami's life changed one day when his girlfriend Ayaka was hit by a car and killed on her way to meet Tomoya. He blamed himself for her death and never was the same after the accident. He began acting callously towards Yue and his other friends. Furthermore, every time Tomoya gets involved with a new girl, he sees images of Ayaka in his dreams. He decides he needs to find a way to say goodbye to his lost love once and for all, while dealing with several side romances at the same time.Tomoya Mikami's life changed one day when his girl 详情


    • 绿川光

      代表作: 银魂第二季 星际牛仔 灌篮高手 银魂 龙珠Z 

    • 那须惠

      代表作: 我们这一家 搞笑漫画日和 搞笑漫画日和2 四月一日灵异事件簿 苏生龙王传说 

    • 山本麻里安

      代表作: 战国鬼才传 人类衰退之后 他和她的故事 六门天外MonCol... 六翼天使之声 

    • 利田优子

      代表作: 新撰组异闻录铁 Cyber守护星 寄生魔偶 战争程序员白濑 秋之回忆OVA 


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