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    全面攻击福利上映于1989年,由著名福利主演尼古拉斯·凯奇 里基·托尼亚齐 Patrice-Flora Praxo Georges Claisse 主演的伦理伦理福利,全面攻击讲述了:1936, Italian army is invading Ethiopia. Lieutenant Silvestri suffering toothache decides to reach the nearest camp hospital. But the lorry has an accident and stop near a rock, so Silvestri continues by walk. On his way he meets and rapes a wonderful young Ethiopian. He also wound her when he shot to a wild animal, and later kills her to avoid further pain. When he finally reaches the hospital, he realizes he gets probably leprosy. Trying to escape from Ethiopia Silvestri will kill again. But surprises aren't still over.1936, Italian army is invading Ethiopia. Lieutenan 详情


    • 尼古拉斯·凯奇

      代表作: 勇闯夺命岛 离开拉斯维加斯 变脸 空中监狱 战争之王 国家宝藏 魔法师的学徒 

    • 里基·托尼亚齐

      代表作: 极端分子 


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