辣手娇娃 福利


主演:威廉姆·伯格 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐 霍华德·罗斯 



    辣手娇娃福利上映于1970年,由著名福利主演威廉姆·伯格 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐 霍华德·罗斯 主演的伦理伦理福利,又名Five Dolls for an August Moon / 辣手娇娃。辣手娇娃讲述了:George Stark is a wealthy industrialist who invites five business friends of his to his remote Mediterranean island for a weekend of relaxation and business when he introduces them to Professor Farrell, a brilliant chemist who gives investment ideas to the group. But against Farrell's wishes, the group goes behind each other's back to obtain information on Farrell's chemistry ideas and soon the guests and residents start turning up dead one by one as Stark and Farrell must rally the group together to determine the identity of the killer despite nobody trusting anyone.George Stark is a wealthy industrialist who invite 详情


    • 威廉姆·伯格

      代表作: 战争与回忆 战争风云 战俘列车 红袍与黑幕 红海魔影 

    • 艾德薇姬·芬妮齐

      代表作: 威尼斯商人 人皮客栈2 我姐姐是法官 妻子的罪恶 青涩的体验 

    • 霍华德·罗斯

      代表作: 沙漠突击队 内雷特瓦河战役 背德 纽约开膛手 辣手娇娃 


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